Other HR Services
The HR Guys and Associum work in partnership with your management team to facilitate effective solutions for your organizational challenges, while building your internal capacity.
Job description review and maintenance
Wage and salary administration
Compensation surveys
Executive compensation
Job performance standards
Customized compensation program design (e.g. pay equity review)
Human Resource Policy and Legislative Compliance
Policy preparation (remote or hyrbrid work)
Policy review and development
Employee handbooks
Compliance documentation
Performance Management
Customized appraisal system design
Performance appraisal oversight
Integration with corporate strategic plan
Performance management coaching
Workplace accommodation policies
Workplace discrimination and harassment prevention
Anti-Racism Organizational Change
Employment Equity compliance
Systemic barrier reviews
Work and family issues and policies
Learn more about our Diversity and Employment Equity practice
Learning and Development
Needs assessments
Leadership and management skills development
Course design and delivery
Diversity training
Recruitment and On-Boarding
Recruitment process review and design
Pre-screening & short-listing
Offers of employment and employment contracts
Recruitment activities at all levels
Reference and background checks
Employee documentation
Employee and Labour Relations
Employee communications
Grievance process
Contract negotiations
Conflict mediation
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
Organization Development and Transition Management
Organizational structure
Organization chart development and maintenance
Job design
Strategic planning
Process facilitation
Team building
Strategic HR Planning
Alignment of corporate and HR Plan
Career-planning and management
Skills inventories
Career and outplacement counselling
Through our partnership with Associum and powered by Associum, we have collaborative approaches, innovative HR products and customized advisory solutions, we impact four leadership priorities: managing risk, driving productivity, strengthening talent capabilities and supporting your bottom line. Let’s connect to find out how The HR Guys can help your organization.
Let’s work together. Uncover your HR gaps today.